Personal Growth

Creating Great Relationships

Do you find relationships difficult? Is your relationship unfulfilling or a repeat performance of past failures? Are you settling for a mediocre marriage or would you like to have an amazing one? Are you single and tired of dating the same unsuitable type of partner again and again? Relationships are the fabric of human life. [...]

Dealing With Anger

The emotion anger isn’t inherently bad or negative but if a person is angry for more than a matter of seconds then the anger is related to something from the past being triggered, not the event in present time that appears to cause the upset. Anger relating to a present-time event (for example, dropping a [...]

How to Deal With Difficult Situations

In situations that are challenging, difficult or uncertain it’s easy to become the effect of the situation, like we’re a helpless victim of circumstances and can’t do anything about it. This is disempowering, it doesn’t feel good and it’s not the optimum place to operate from. When we’re in that place, we can feel overwhelmed [...]

Anxiety – Resolving the Underlying Causes

Although it’s normal to feel some anxiety in certain situations – such as when starting a new job, going for an interview or a medical test, or when speaking or performing in public – for some people anxiety is a long-term condition and it can have a serious impact on their quality of life. Anxiety [...]

Negative Emotions – A Self-Help Technique for Resolving Them

Here is a self-help technique that can be used to resolve negative emotions. It’s one aspect of my coaching work and although it’s not the complete procedure, and doing it alone isn’t the same as working with me, it can still be very useful. I recommend reading the procedure two or three times before you [...]

Men’s Personal Growth Work

Men’s personal growth is an area I specialise in within my transformational coaching work. What does it mean to be a conscious, emotionally and spiritually mature man in today’s world? Masculinity often receives a bad press but the feminisation of men and feeling ashamed or being apologetic for one’s masculinity is not the solution. What’s [...]

‘Keeping Accounts’ in Relationships

In relating with others we have a way of ‘keeping accounts’. We maintain an internal record of the ways in which they’ve misbehaved, wronged us, hurt us, underappreciated us, misunderstood us or let us down. Each time we’re not treated in the way we think we deserve to be treated we make a mental record [...]

Deepening Personal Growth Work

Have you been doing personal growth or spiritual development work but it hasn’t brought you the results you were seeking? You may have read many spiritual or self-help books and done various therapies, practices, meditations, workshops or courses but you’ve reached a plateau or you’re still troubled by the same issues in your life despite [...]

Protective Attitudes

The purpose of my transformational coaching work is to enable people to become free from fixed ways of being and thinking that are stopping them expressing their best self. One of the major areas I focus on is what I call ‘protective attitudes’. What are protective attitudes? Protective attitudes are psychological responses that we unconsciously [...]

Hacking Your Reality

We all have things about ourselves and our lives that we’d like to be different or working better. Perhaps you’ve tried to change something in your life without success. Maybe a change lasted for a short while and then you found yourself back where you started, sometimes without even being consciously aware of it. Or [...]